Nachtflugtraining am 28.02.2025. Bis 21:00 Uhr (Lokal) + + + + + + + + +Night flight training on February 28, 2025. Until 9:00 p.m. (local) + + + + + + + + +Nachtflugtraining am 28.02.2025. Bis 21:00 Uhr (Lokal) + + + + + + + + +Night flight training on February 28, 2025. Until 9:00 p.m. (local) + + + + + + + + +
Flugplatz: Information on the airfield

EDAY — the IRF airfield near Berlin

Open day and night for business flights and general aviation

The Berlin — Strausberg airfield is one of the most important airfields for East Brandenburg and Berlin. With its central location in Strausberg and in the immediate vicinity of Berlin and thanks to the existing infrastructure as well as the almost unrestricted usability by VFR and IFR during the day and night, the airfield is an important location for business flights and general aviation.
The short distances and night flights (possible at any time by prior arrangement) make the airport ideal for business travel to Strausberg, East Brandenburg and the greater Berlin area. Training flights are also possible at any time.

For flights outside our opening hours, you can register your special landing online here.


PPR emergency number: 0172/1703386

What aircraft is you airfield suitable for?

Planes up to 14 t
Helicopters of all weight classes
Motor gliders
Ultralight aircraft

Instrument of approval

Genehmigungsurkunde VLP Strausberg

And what can you do at the airfield?

Cargo flights
Business flights near Berlin
Medical transport
Air sports
Flight training
Film and photo shoots
Night flights in Berlin

Summer opening hours

Mon — Fri

06:30 to 18:00 UTC / SS+30</p>

Sat/Sun/Public holidays

07:00 to 18:00 UTC / SS+30</p>


PPR 2 hours before 18:00 UTC</p>

Winter opening hours


08:00 UTC to SS+30


PPR 2 hours before SS

Oct — March (except December)

On the last Friday of each month, night flights are possible until 9:00 p.m. local time without PPR fees.

Please note the current red ticker

Geographische Daten:

52 34,81 N / 13 54,90 E
1.1 NM E Strausberg
80 m (263 ft)
SE 1100
4° E

Runway information


1200 x 28 m, concrete, MTOM 14,000 kg direction 05 / 23
Longitudinal slope: 1%</p>

Load bearing capacity

PCN 38 R/A/W/T (concrete runway), TORA/TODA/ASDA/LDA: 1,200 m</p>


1200 x 40 m, grass, glider strip, MTOM 5,700 kg</p>


Approach lights, high and low intensity, runway threshold identification lights, precision approach path indicator (PAPI), heliport edge lighting, heliport floodlights, wind direction indicators, apron lighting</p>


Since 17 June 2021, it has been possible to approach the airfield under IFR conditions using GPS approach procedures in both operational directions.</p>

Martin Rempke

+49 3341 345 374
Strausberger Flugplatz GmbH:
Flugplatzstraße F1/20, 15344 Strausberg