Please refer to the current table of charges for the fees for normal flights with planes and rotorcraft, airships, balloons as well as special services and fees in special cases such as emergency landings, business flights, flights outside operating hours as well as training and familiarisation flights.
Simply pay for everything via the app.
You can easily pay the costs and fees to use our airfield via the aerops app. This saves you a lot of time.
All rates include VAT.
exkl. gesetzlicher Mwst.:
238,66 € / 100 Liter
inkl. gesetzlicher Mwst.:
284,01 € / 100 Liter
exkl. gesetzlicher Mwst.:
207,56 € / 100 Liter
inkl. gesetzlicher Mwst.:
247,00 € / 100 Liter
exkl. gesetzlicher Mwst.:
180,10 € / 100 Liter
inkl. gesetzlicher Mwst.:
214,32 € / 100 Liter
You can pay by debit card, American Express, Mastercard, VISA, with the aerops app, cash or on account if you have a customer account.
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